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Ollie Ratcliffe

Blog posts can be confusing if you've never written one before - how do you start a blog post? how long should a blog post be? There are a million questions that can be asked about blogs due to their versatility - Audience is here to help.

We've outlined a short guide on how to write a blog post and what you should include/stay away from to ensure your blog is entertaining, shareable and worth reading!

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The best part about blog posts is that they can be whatever you want them to be (with relevance to your business/brand) and they give you an opportunity to express yourself and share your expertise or opinion on any topic. Some ways they can be written include - a numbered listicle format, broken up with headings and sub-headings or one long piece with just a title. It's completely up to you - that's the beauty of it!

Personalise your blog and analyse what format would make the most sense - if it's a guide or a 'top 10', then a numbered format may be the best way, if it's an introduction to the team or your values, then a longer, sub-titled piece could be the way forward.


Planning should be a part of your day-to-day life anyway, however, planning for a blog post is essential when ensuring you will have a concise and engaging blog post. At Audience, we found that creating a mind-map (if you're a visual learner) or creating bullet points with a couple of ideas for content and headings before beginning works really well. Write down around 5 main points you want to cover, key things to include inside of them and what their headings/subheadings could be.

Researching what other businesses have written in similar articles and taking SEO into consideration will boost your blog, don't be afraid to take inspiration! If you need more SEO help, here is our friend's guide to SEO at Intelligent, or you could get in touch with us for personalised advice.

woman on laptop


Blog posts are all about being entertaining and ultimately, being worth the read. Have you ever come across a brilliantly titled blog thinking it would be a great read then realised it was the length of a mini-novel and switched it off after the first line? That's not what we want.

With how hectic and busy lives are nowadays, it's not a surprise that the average person spends only 37 seconds reading a blog post - making yours concise and straight to the point is key. We recommend that your articles are around 500-1,000 words, structured with headlines and subtitles (where appropriate) and get straight to the point...


As previously mentioned, people don't really have a lot of time anymore, so getting to the point with your blog will engage the reader straight away and ensure they carry on reading. If you have written a 'how to' and your introduction makes up for half of your blog, chances are you've lost the reader by the second paragraph.

Keep introductions and conclusions short, and add as much relevant and concise information into the main body of the text as possible. That's not to say don't show off your personality - sneaking some sarcasm or funny remarks (no dad jokes) within your blog will make it more shareable and show that your business is fun!

The main body of your text should be super informative and engaging, research your chosen topic and come up with as many ideas as possible to make sure you include everything you need. Fill it with ideas, advice, tips and tricks and explanations, fitting it into your audience's needs and wants.

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You're almost there! You've planned the blog, researched, written it, added images... now what? You need to edit the blog. Being your own critic can be challenging, but knowing how to edit your own work and where you can take bits out/put bits into your own writing is a great skill to have.

Having a second pair of eyes to look over your work, whether that's a colleague or a marketing agency like Audience, is definitely crucial because looking past your own written mistakes is very easy. Even us experienced writers ask for a "look-over" and constructive criticism.

Finding a platform to post your blog on can be a different ball game and we know it can get confusing, but research is your best friend when it comes to this! Try out a couple of platforms and see which one works best for you, or if you don't want the hassle, just give us a message.


You did it! Writing a blog post has so many different components to it, all while researching ideas and platforms to post on. If you've managed to do it all... you're a star.

However, don't worry if you're feeling a little overwhelmed and wondering where to begin, we're here for you. Drop us a message at for some advice or even a starting point.

Blog posts should be creative, fun and informative so show off your personality and engage your audience!


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